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About The Trip

Summer 2018

Our first drill!

Written by Rachael Frisch

WOW what a crazy day! We finally graduated our EMR training course and had an amazing realistic training drill late last night. Even though a cool part was graduating the course, an even more awesome part was getting the hatzala ID cards and bright orange vests. The course definitely prepared us with all the information we need to know.
The advisors surprised us with a huge drill and had us go out into the field and save lives. We got a call on the radio after we got back to the hotel, saying that a terror attack had happened in a park and we were to report to the front of the building immediately. We soon rode off in ambulances and got to the scene of the crime. There were actors (who were really ncsy kids on another trip) crying and yelling with fake blood all over them. It was so overwhelming and it was hard to know what to do first. The training definitely helped though because I would probably start crying and throwing up if I didn’t know that we had to organize and treat the patients immediately . My first patient was a girl who was screaming in agony. I approached her and soon saw a pile of fake guts and blood spill out of her stomach. It was so real looking! We treated them and sent them off in ambulances as quickly as we could. After the drill we had a BBQ and just hung out in the park. That was definitely one of the best nights of the whole trip.

Seeing the mayor of Jerusalem!

Written by Reuben Stein

Today rescue Israel had wonderful opportunities. We learned how to make a splint and how to make a spling. We learned how to take care of real messy situations by applying pressure and bandages to the wound we got a real hands on experience. After training we had the honor to hear and meet the mayor of Jerusalem. We ordered some delicious pizza and had a relaxing time which was used to become closer to people. Later we went rock climbing. These challenging walls led to us encouraging other people to accomplish things they didn’t think they could. We can’t wait to see what our next adventure will hold.

Meeting leaders!

Written by Tikvah Goldberg

Today on rescue we started off the day with davening and of course some yummy breakfast. After that we got on the bus and headed to day three of learning how to become a first responder. It was super cool to learn how to take other peoples blood pressure. In addition we learned about sizers and hyper and hypoglycemia. For me personally having hypoglycemia it was super meaningful to learn how to help someone else who also has it. Aside from learning a lot today we got too meet the founder of Hatzalah Eli Bear this was truly an honer. In addition we got to meet the ambassador of Panama. It was inspiring to meet huge leaders who have both done a lot for Isreal. After learning we were surprised with ice cream on the roof of the Hatzalah building where we enjoyed the beautiful view.  Then we spent the evening on ben yehuda shopping, eating and spending time with advisers and friends. Can’t wait to see what tomorrow brings.

Our first shabbas!

Written by Eliana Oshinsky

Wow! What an amazing first Shabbat in Israel! Shabbat was ushered in with the beautiful melody of Friday night prayer. It was truly incredible having the opportunity to daven with important members of Hatzalah and other inspiring people. Later in the evening we had “circle time” where we shared personal reasons why each of use came on this incredible program. Some of us want to be doctors when we are older and some of us want to learn the amazing skills but the main theme that was mentioned throughout was the will to save lives. On Shabbat day we had the opportunity to hear from a head of Haztalla in Israel. He spoke to us about the reason he wanted to become an EMT and why it was important for him to save lives. He had witnessed a young girl hit by a bus and no one around was able to help. At that time he was not medically trained but after that moment he knew he wanted to become an EMT so he would never be a by stander again. This was such an inspiring story to all of us and showed us why we truly are meant to be on this program. Later in the day we were split into groups to hear some inspiring words from our advisors. In my group we learned the importance of teshuva- repentance. G-d is so forgiving and even if we sin, it is never too late to repent. I think this idea ties in nicely with the purpose of this program. Just as G-d gives us a second chance, we as future EMT’s will hopefully give people a second chance to live. G-d “saves” us and brings us back each day and we have the chance to save other people as well. Saturday night we took a trip to Mamilla mall for food and shopping. It was beautiful to see the string lights hanging above our heads as we walked down the road. From zemirot- song, to learning, and a few fun games the Rescue Israel team definitely bonded a lot this Shabbat. I can not wait to continue on this journey and have the opportunity to save lives.

Rescue week one 2018

Learning our history

Today’s blog is written by our lovely NCSYer Shayna Travis!

Today on rescue we had a packed and inspiration filled day. We started off at Yad Vashem where we connected with our Jewish history and ancestors by learning about the holocaust and the people who went through it. Through the pictures and belongings of those Jews we rly got to see how the holocost personally effected each person and how every individual deserves to be remembered. After walking through the museum we had lunch and talked abt our experience in the museum and what learning about the holocost meant to each one of us. After that we walked to Har Hertzel were we visited the graves of Israel’s leaders and soldiers who gave up everything for our country and our freedom. At Har Hetzel we got to hear stories of great people and soldiers and were able to see what it means to love our people and our country and to be able to choose to give up everything for it.

We’re so excited to continue all this inspiration throughout our first shabbas in Israel! 

Hatzalah here we come! Day 2

What an unbelievable day! We started off the day in Hatzalah headquarters. We met the team, and saw the facility!    It was super cool! We learned about the program and had an over all orientation from Hatzalah. Next, we took our first trip to the kotel! It was so great! Especially for those of us who had never been there before. Was a very powerful moment! Then, we had a great time in the city of David. We went through a water tunnel and got to cool off in the water! We then got to explore machaneh Yehudah (the market place). 

We then came back for an awesome educational program. 

Was a great second day and we can’t wait to continue our amazing journey! 

Arrival day!

Wahooo! Welcome to Israel! We have just arrived in the holiest land in the world! Everyone is super pumped to start the most amazing summer! 

The plane ride Baruch Hashem was really great! Lots of bonding!

When we arrived we had our first tefillah in Israel (mincha by the bus) and then started our travels off to Yerushaliam. 

At the airport we picked up our logistics man named Shabtai. Shabtai is awesome! He’s lived in Israel his whole life and is from Efrat but knows perfect english. He helps us with all our logistics and will be with us every day. 

Once we arrived at the hotel (around 7:30pm) we had an awesome dinner and then had a great orientation! 

Everyone is super excited for tomorrow to start seeing and experiencing Israel! 🇮🇱



Rules video and meet your staff!

Learn all the rules for Rescue 2018 and meet your amazing staff!