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About The Trip


rescueisrael August 8, 2019

Hey Mom and Dad

Today was really fun we were in class all day learning about different injuries and how to treat them. Now if someone falls or gets cut I know how to stop the bleeding and stabilize the wound. It’s a very comforting feeling to know that I have these skills to take the home with me. We also learnt about diabetes and how to treat someone who’s blood sugar is too high or too low. We pricked each other with glucometers in order to find each others glucose levels, which was really cool. after that we went to sderot a town down south where we heard about what the people living there go through on a daily basis. These people are heros, that are bravely protecting the land to make sure it stays in our hands. these people endure balloon bombs, kite bombs, missiles and more on a daily basis but they stay for us, its really amazing to see. After that we planted some really pretty flowers in order to beautify Sderot because it gets ruined from the missiles, and met a group of teens who live there and tried to raise their spirits and show them that even though we are back in America we are still standing with them. After that we went shopping in Sderot to help their economy ofcourse 😉 and back to the hotel!!

More tomorrow,

Love, Sima Granitsky